P4 Challenge Phase 2 Winners Announced!


The Phase 2 Winners of the P4 Challenge have been announced!

Over the past year and a half, Ensemble has been working with the HHS Health Resources Services Administration’s (HRSA) Maternal Child and Health Bureau (MCHB) to support the Promoting Pediatric Primary Prevention (P4) Challenge.


The goal of this challenge was to address the decline in well-child visits and vaccinations during the pandemic by crowdsourcing innovative approaches from teams across the country in order to get kids in for the yearly check-ups and make sure they are receiving the vaccinations they need. According to HRSA Administrator Carole Johnson, “Among the many impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a decline in routine pediatric immunizations and well-child visits, which threatens to undermine the significant progress we’ve made in children’s health. Our HRSA Challenge initiative focused on generating creative approaches and meaningful results in helping to get children vaccinated, see their provider, and stay healthy”.

During the first round of the challenge, 50 teams around the U.S received $10,000 in prizes each to develop and implement their unique ideas to get more children to their annual well visits and receive vaccinations locally. Out of those 50 teams, 20 outstanding teams were awarded the Phase 2 prize of $25,000. The winners are comprised of local school districts, community organizations, pediatric clinics, and pediatric hospitals. Each of the winners impressed the judges of the challenge with their innovative and creative approaches to addressing disparities in well-child visits and childhood vaccinations in their communities. The solutions ranged from mobile vaccination units and Telehealth services to a local fair that coupled vaccinations with face painting and firetrucks. In many of the winning submissions, the number of children receiving vaccinations and getting their annual child well-visits doubled or tripled among target populations.

We are so impressed with the quality of the solutions received throughout the challenge, and the impact the P4 Challenge had with thousands of children receiving vaccinations and child well visits over the course of the challenge.


Outside Resources:

To learn more about the P4 Challenge: https://mchb.hrsa.gov/funding/challenge-competitions/p4challenge

To read U.S Department of Health and Human Service’s (HHS) press release for the Phase 2 Winners: https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2022/02/10/hhs-announces-winners-national-challenge-increase-pediatric-vaccinations-well-child-visits.html?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=social&utm_content=2102022&utm_term=mchb&utm_campaign=mchb-p4-challenge

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